Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More nap time

I guess it is because it is so rare now that Rebekah actually takes a nap, that I find it hilarious to see the way she sleeps...

Notice the addition of a shiny belt around her waist... I couldn't actually get in the room for this shot. But there was just enough room to slide the camera in.

Not sure how she does this, but she is sleeping...

She was not wearing the pink sweater when I put her down.

Wow, a normal nap!!!

This one, not so normal...notice anything missing??

This one too...

Hey, another normal nap!

What the!!! I don't know how she did this, but I did walk around her and make sure she wasn't getting pinched anywhere or hurt. The chair is actually resting on itself and not touching her.

Because some days you just can't face the world...


Ellie said...

Those are so funny! Jeff was napping on the sofa and my laughing woke him up. Great post!

John said...

Those are absolutely adorable!!!! I love the diaperless and changed clothing ones.

Betsy said...

Crazy. I can't believe the chair on top of her!

Laura said...

i am laughing so hard. loren's coming in to see what's going on.