Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More guest...the good kind

This is my cousin Sheri and her daughter Lindsey.

I didn't know Sheri too well when we were younger. She got married when I was only 5 years old. Most of my Chase family cousins have kids my age that I hung out with at family reunions.

We got reacquainted a few years ago when her son was attending George Mason University. They came out for a visit and we got together. From that visit I learned that she worked in the Family History Center in Idaho and had done a lot of work on the Chase family. We stayed in touch after that and shared lots of family history.

This time her husband had a conference in DC to attend. Lindsey had recently returned from serving a mission near Floyd, VA. Together they went back to visit people she met down there. Lindsey's mission was cut short due to health problems. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

We started talking. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia right before I left on my mission in 1997. I the treatment described by Dr._Paul_St_Amand. It really seemed to help me a lot. However, I still had trouble. Especially after I got married. My symptoms just seemed to get worse. Then my chiropractor started talking to me about MSG. I already knew that I couldn't eat Chinese food, it gave me a headache and made me throw-up. He pointed out just how many other_foods had MSG in it too. I did my very best to COMPLETELY eliminate MSG out of my diet, and I started feeling TONS better. Turns out all the food I was buying for us (the quick, easy, and cheap food) was full of MSG. I am so much better today because of this. I can have a normal life.

I hope that after our conversation Lindsey can find the answers she needs. I am always amazed at how little things happen to put people in the path of others to help them. These are truly tender mercies from the Lord.

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