SNAKE!! That's right. My hand was on that little green carabiner clip when I saw him. I did not scream, but I did jump back as far as I could!!! And then I quietly paniced within myself trying to figure out what to do. I had some extra garden stakes nearby so I grabbed the longest one and tried to pull him out by his tail. No luck, the snake is stuck. Actually wrapped in and out of the small netting on top.
I went back inside to call Clay and let him know that there would be no salad tonight. Or EVER if I don't get rid of this snake. Then I called our friend, Martin Nesbitt (an avid wildlife lover), to see if he could help me. He got here in 5 minutes or less! He carefully snipped that snake out of the netting, placed him in a pillowcase, and drove him off to some OTHER wilderness area. YOU'RE MY HERO!!
You should compare snake stories with Eva! And what will you do when the Nesbitts move??
Maybe you should have made snake salad? :)
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