Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mount Vernon, Arlington, and Easter Eggs

Mount_Vernon, home of George and Martha Washington. Here they are with their grandchildren, Washington and Nelly.

This is the back of the house, lined with rocking chairs facing out over the Potomac River. It was great to see Mount Vernon after reading Mount_Vernon_Love_Story by Mary Higgins Clark.

This first picture shows all 8000 acres of land he had. And here are some Johnny-Jump-Ups, and edible garden treat. We finally got a picture of the whole Young family: Braxton, Heather, Camryn, Layne and Tanner.

We stopped off at the Pentagon_Memorial. You can see in the wall where they replaced the stones. The memorial benches for each person who died here, both on the plane and in the building, all arranged by year they were born.

We concluded our day with a walk around Arlington_National_Cemetery.

Arlington House was built as a living memorial to George Washington by his adopted grandson, George Washington Parke Custis. After his death, the house went to his daughter, Mary Anna Randolph Custis, wife of Robert E. Lee. During the Civil War the Lees abandoned Arlington House for safety and it fell into government hands. Brig. Gen. Montgomery C Meigs, intended to render the house uninhabitable should the Lee family ever attempt to return by making it a military cemetery -starting with a stone vault containing the remains of 1800 Ball Run Union casualties.

Some prominent graves: JFK and his wife (above), Tomb of the Unknown Solider, and a Chase (we will have to look into that one).

Two memorials for the space shuttle flights that ended in tragedy. Rebekah spent most of the time of on Tanner's shoulders, beating his head like a drum. Sorry Tanner!!

We got back in time to color some Easter eggs before we sent everyone to bed.

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